Wow, I'm horrible at this prize giveaway thing. Apparently we conducted a belt giveaway about a month ago on Austin Eavesdropper, and I never confirmed a winner!
Remember this bad boy?Yeah?
Well, I'm very proud to announce that someone very close to my heart (and my blog) has won! She/he (I think it's a she) goes by the name of "Anonymous," but every so often, she stops in to copy edit my posts. A word suggestion here, a punctuation tweak there. It's wonderful! Like I have my very own editor! Anyway, here is Anonymous' fabulous comment that she left on the giveaway post (to play, you had to name one Austin style trend.)
"A true Austin style trend should be recycled and ironic (like mens' ties sewn together for a skirt), so I think all of the trends identified so far qualify.
I'm going to be difficult and go out on a limb to project what I think will be trending. To me, the fedora fad could be the harbinger of a retro-Vegas dress-up aesthetic: Joey Heatherton style-pantsuits, disco dresses with hair falls...a little more fussy but still relaxed for both men and women.
Of course, this may simply be wishful thinking on my part.
Your anonymous copy-editor ("...onus...?") pal"
Anonymous, I'm going to have to second the retro-Vegas trend forecasts / wishes. I think we are teetering on the precipice of a MAJOR bodysuit comeback, which Ms. Heatherton would approve of heartily:In every picture, doesn't it look like Joey is saying: "Yay, no pants! Pants are OFF LIMITS! Peekaboo, hosiery calling!"
Anyway - hit me up with your mailing address Anonymous, and some belt bling will be delivered to your doorstep. Thanks again to Chickdowtown for inviting Austin Eavesdropper to be a part of this giveaway (no matter how delinquent the blogger is) and for offering the likes of Genetic Denim, Rory Beca, and Rachel Pally on your wonderful site. (And Reader, one last thing. If you're into Uli-like patterns and dresses - remember Uli from Project Runway, Season 3? Cute little German / Miami girl? - a little birdie tells me Chickdowntown will have a ton of tibi dresses this summer. Up with paisley!)
So I was browsing around the internet for creative ideas to wear this belt, and here is what I came up with.
My BFF, MK Olsen:(Although sometimes she takes the stud thing a little too far.)
That's some full-on exoskeleton right there.
We also have Daisy Lowe, working a romper.As well as the lady who made this belt famous, SJP.
However you wear it, make us proud, Anonymous!
Yay, me!
With the retro-Vegas trend, I was really thinking pantsuit, but I can see the current leggings trend leading us into a major bodysuit revival.
Me likee!
I emailed you my contact info, along with some a heads-up on a couple of links I like....and an explanation of why I prefer to remain anonymous.
Your anonymous copy-editor pal
I hate to do this to Ms. Rachel Leigh, but Forever 21has a knock off of the knock off. And it's awesome.
thank you trash can age.
love forever21 to pieces.
and the belt will probably literally break into pieces... but it's ok cuz at that point i'll probably want somethin else!
yeah and for those who don't know...barton creek's "gadzooks" is forever 21. They have the belt--saw it there 2 weeks ago. They also have some bad ass peacock efather jewelry right now too
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