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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Staring slackjaw at pretty clothes = a perfectly suitable hangover cure.

So, brain no worky today. I killed it last night. Killed it with good times.

Anyway, I was planning to do a Great Nostalgic album review today, but I'm going to wait until I can type a single sentence and not forget what I was talking about halfway through.*

Instead, I'd like to look at pictures of pretty clothes. Carried by Austin stores. Does that sound good to you? Ok, let's do this:

Laced With Romance.


Magnolia Family Vintage.

Boudoir Queen.

*Like this current sentence, which - in all honesty, y'all - is requiring some pretty serious mental gymnastics just to reach the period. (Success!)


frances said...

oh man amazing new graphic, tolly!

and i like the skirt in the 3rd picture for laced with romance. :)

Austin Eavesdropper said...

Thanks Fran!! I like Laced With Romance - all of her stuff - so much. Did you know she makes her own tye-dyed leggings? They were at Fashion Freakout this year, and when I saw them, I drooled a little.

frances said...

i did see them, it was hard not to notice! ack that studded bow belt is also amazing. btw, you need to twitter girl! ha haha.