Ok, I don't know about you guys, but whenever I get SWAMPED with work the first two things to go are A) blog/Facebook/Twitter time, and B) the gym.* It sucks, because I feel disconnected. And fat.
But that's all about to change. Why? I'm buying a DAY PLANNER! The old-fashioned, paper kind! While I recently ascended to the next level of Mac smugness and superiority with my delicious new iPhone, I actually don't think it's the best place to record and plan appointments/story assignments/blog posts. That's because I try to make a note on the calendar, and then get distracted halfway through by the farting noise app (which R. made me download. All it does it make different fart sounds.)
Do you all do the day planner thing? I've tried several times and have always failed. In junior high, our school gave us all these small, bound planners with plastic rulers inside to record homework (or something). Even though I was a good student, here's what a typical entry looked like:
"Hi chica! Wuz up?" (<--this is San Antonio-speak). "Math class SUX!!!!!!! Did you watch Dawsons?"
It was more of a place to write notes to Beka than to record "homework assignments," if you will.
But I'm determined to do it right this time, and I think what I need is a desk planner. That you spread out on a table. It looks Very Official.
Anyway, enough chit-chat. Here are three fun things happening this week - one looks AWESOME, as it involves The Black & White Years, and it's happening today!Go here to RSVP and find out all the details. It's sponsored by Filter Magazine, and is basically like a big bonfire party with private shows. And lots and lots of alcohol. Which is why they encourage taking the shuttle from Progress Coffee.
Have you guys ever heard of Charanga Cakewalk? She of the killer music taste, Rose Reyes, introduced me to them about five years ago. Their song "La Miga Hormiga" makes me want to dance in a circle with lots of happy drunk people. Which I think we should all do, once a week.
Ok....you guys. I just checked out Broken Ear's Etsy store, and I can honestly say that is KILLS me to not be able to go to this party on Wednesday. (I'll be in NYC). Look how pretty!!!
Are you dying? I'm dying. I am such a sucker for vintage jewelry, and it's all modestly priced, too: about $30-$50. RSVP here if you want to go to the sample showcase on Wednesday.
Finally, next Friday, we have....
I'll remind you about this one again as we get closer to the date. But let it be known that Birds Barbershop is GROWING in a RECESSION! Two new stores in one year - east side location, and now this? Damn! They are doing something (a lot of things) right.
And I'm going to get my hair cut there tomorrow, so if we'll see if they do that right too.
*Happy Hour, however, does not get cut.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Death to disorganization + River Revolution, Cinco de Mayo, Broken Ear, Birds.
Austin artists,
Austin nightlife,
My life
1 comment:
I have 4 or 5 planners going at all times. They need to be at home desk, work desk, more work desk, and home fridge. Very important things that I MUST NOT FORGET (usually meaning I have expensive tickets to something) get stapled to the wall. Scattershot system but it works!
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