(Watching too much Gossip Girl = self)
As a super special offer to our esteemed Bleet-Up attendees, from now until next Thursday, you are automatically entered to win a pair of FREE Fun Fun Fun Fest tickets if you RSVP to the Bleet-Up! Note this contest drawing applies retroactively too, so if you've already RSVP'd, you're good to go.
You MUST be present at Bleet-Up to win. The lucky winner will be announced right before our first band (The Lennings!) take the stage, at 9:45.
The Austin Bleet-Up is a party designed to introduce our city to its local blogging community. If you're a blog reader, it's a chance to meet your favorite online personalities, be it Adored Austin, The Year of the Pizza, Covert Curiosity, or whomever. If you're not a blog reader, it's a chance to expand your media contacts a bit - if you're a band who wants more music coverage, a restaurant owner who wants more food coverage, etc.
And if you're a blogger, it's an excuse to hang out with all of your online buddies.

Party Ends

Fabulous Drinks Austin

This is Life in Austin
Anyway, we WILL close RSVP's once we hit capacity at Mohawk. So avoid sadness, and get that RSVP in.
And if you're a blogger, it's an excuse to hang out with all of your online buddies.

Party Ends

Fabulous Drinks Austin

This is Life in Austin
Anyway, we WILL close RSVP's once we hit capacity at Mohawk. So avoid sadness, and get that RSVP in.
PS - If you're on Facebook, you can check out the invite there too if you like.
WoW! A chance to win FFFF tickets as well. This has definitely crossed the line by a long shot of super freakin' awesome! This just keeps getting more and more exciting :)
Great site you have here. I have a site myself that provides inspiration and guidance to people around the world. I was wondering if you wanted to do a link exchange.
I love your site and I'll be back again often.
Can't waittt for this. :) and to meet all of the cool austin bloggers out there!
Yay Kiley!! We can't wait to see you, either. :)
Jason, good to hear from you.
Aaron - as always, your enthusiasm kind of makes my day!
can't wait! i'm going...I'm new to Austin but I'm a blogger. It'll be cool to connect with the most awesome Austin bloggers!
Yay Maureen! I'm going to go read your blog right now, as a matter of fact
I am really excited! Thanks for the RSVP link.
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