Today, Austin Eavesdropper had a revelation.
"This city desperately needs a venue in which to screen Gossip Girl."
Actually, AE had this revelation several months ago, while counting down the days last summer until she could relish in Chuck Bass and his glorious plaid sweater vests. AE even took the time to call Alamo Drafthouse and "report" a widespread "rumor" about the SEASON PREMIERE of Gossip Girl being screened at Drafthouse. (If wink wink could be imparted over the telephone that is definitely the tone AE was going for). Sadly, conspiratorial machinations were well and truly lost on poor Drafthouse phone answerer employee, leaving him with only one response: "Gossip that, like, a show? Are you talking about Mad Men? Because we are screening Mad Men."
No, I am not talking about Man Men. I am talking about the CW here. This is vintage Chuck, which you see above. These days Chuck Bass is far too busy and important to be slouching around in a cardigan, looking like a common Brooklynite. Rather, this season's Chuck Bass is always dashing about, cooking up his next speakeasy scheme and playing Model Boyfriend to fellow power monger, Blair Waldorf. See how his suspenders virtually SNAP with sass and professionalism.
Also notice how his suspenders match his socks.
Anyway Austinites, where can one (publicly) get a Gossip Girl fix? Here are a few ideas AE had:
1. Alamo Drafthouse (in case he Google Alerts himself am going to include Drafthouse owner's Tim League's name in this post. Tim League Tim League Tim League.)
2. Rain. Because while Rain currently screens UT games, surely there is a faction of the clientele that would enjoy Gossip Girl.
3. Anthropologie. Realize this is not classic television-or-film-watching venue per se, but Anthropologie did screen a documentary recently about a man who goes shopping, which is precisely the kind of subject matter that Blair, Serena, and Little J would heartily approve of.
Increasingly AE cannot watch Gossip Girl in her own home anymore, because A) she gets made fun of relentlessly, and B) whole house turns into jeering chorus of Chuck Bass impersonations the moment he graces the screen with his purple ascots. This troubles her.
Monday, November 2, 2009
ATTN GOSSIP GIRL FANS: Where in Austin can we watch our damn show
So in Rhonda Byrne-fashion, AE is releasing into the universe a very serious intention to watch Gossip Girl with people who won't make fun of her. If you are one such esteemed Gossip Girl fan, where in Austin would you like to watch the hijinks of our favorite Upper West Siders??
Other than that I often have to TiVO my beloved GG, I'm down for watching in any of those locales...
Hmm....this is a very good question...
I propose finding someone with a penthouse loft downtown!
Hipstercrite you are BRILLIANT. Are you listening, Rhonda Byrne? We've now added penthouse to our Serious Intention.
ThisIsLifeInAustin - Yes yes, true. But GG (and drinkies?) with friends might knock other Monday night activities further down on the commitment priority list. :)
I vote anywhere that I can wear a snobby headband, sip glamorous cocktails and *maybe* throw popcorn at the screen when I feel like Serena is showing off her girls too much (we get it S., your cups overfloweth) My demands are few :)
YES YES! I love this idea.
Kelly - It can be a drinking game, based on how many times we are witness to S's cleavage!
Jessica - I know, friends are nothing if not geniuses!
Maybe Side Bar, until a loft opens up? They have infused vodkas - I see drink specials.
Maaaan, I (almost) wish I watched GG so that I could be a part of this revolution. But I don't. I do love Chuck's suspenders, however.
new venue in town:
275 seated theater!
I'm thinking, $10 ticket, free drinks sponsored by someone??
I have to admit I am a fan of Gossip Girl as well...
or free and sponsored by some great people... Gossip Girl every monday at The Monarch?
Tolly, whatever happened to this? There definitely needs to be a place to watch Gossip Girl.
Hey Sophia - whoa, I'm just now seeing this idea by Anonymous of The Monarch!! Very cool, very cool suggestion. Might be a tough sell though to ask people to pay $10, though? Maybe not. Since that's probably what we would have paid to see it at Drafthouse.
Thoughts, all??
Yes Please! I've been watching GG in secret by myself but I would love to have people to watch it with! As long as the $10 included drinks that would be worth it to me.
Not only in Austin you can Watch Gossip Girl online everywhere and there is no other solution for this problem.
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