There's a lot going on at this shindig, so let's break it down:
STEP ONE: RSVP's are now closed, but you can still come by - entry based on capacity. (Translation: get to Lanai early).
STEP TWO: Bring a wrapped white elephant gift. I like a good carved troll lamp myself, or alternatively, old N'Sync albums.
STEP THREE: Eat. For free. Complimentary pizza by Promise Pizza, sushi by Kenichi (yow), and Dulce Vida/St. Germain tequila sunrise cupcakes from cupcake impresario MisoHungry.
STEP FOUR: Drink. Also for free! (Is why Austin Eavesdropper recommended eating first, knowing how you all like to get). Complimentary beverages from Dulce Vida Tequila and St. Germain, and a signature Hibiscus Jalapeno Martini drink.
STEP FIVE: Now that you are
STEP SIX: But maybe you need a touch-up. Who doesn't? Swing by Johanna Esper of Bo Salon for hair and make-up fixer-upping.
STEP SEVEN: Make yourself a little memento to go along with your white elephant swag: Make-n-Take table by The WonderCraft.
Also, Austin Eavesdropper is a little media sponsor for the event - woo! - so I will be there, white elephant gift in-hand. I am considering bringing this beautiful portrait in a frame:
That's me, age 9, and my mom, with jelly spilled on her chin (meaning, spilled on the chin part of this photograph). Olan Mills, baby!!
Wouldn't you like to display this on your fireplace mantle?
Wouldn't you like to display this on your fireplace mantle?
What a great photo! Too bad about the jelly.
Can't WAIT! That picture is crazy! Isn't it strange how we grow up? Totally would not recognize you from that picture! Your Mom's eyes sparkle like yours do, though. I see where you get it from, jelly on the chin and all lol.
Haha, thanks girls!! Pink - I know, I think it looks NOTHING like me! Haha. Now I'm going to have to haul out the braces shots.
Whoa. You look so much like your mom. SO MUCH. I'm sad that I'll be missing this sweet partay, but I'll console myself as I dance my pants off (hopefully not literally) at the Phoenix/White Denim show. Werd.
your mom is such a pretty lady!
I just love your no collar, no sleeve, no nonsense denim jumpsuit. I really like the thoughtfulness of the zipper on the pocket too! And those accessories! Is that a friendship bracelet AND a swatch i see???? Oh la la! Love ya, hope you win!
Side note: If it isn't a jumpsuit please don't tell me. The vision i have in my head is PER.FECT. ;)
B - That Phoenix/WD show, as we previously discussed, is gonna kill.
Hipstercrite - Mommy is quite a looker!! Aren't ya, Mom?
Gary - LOL - yes, definitely a friendship bracelet and Swatch watch. I know how to roll. Also, how would you feel if I told you this jumpsuit was connected to a skort?
Oh so what you are saying is this was not only leisure wear, but active wear as well? Well paint me orange and call me Michael Kors!
This may be the GAYEST thing i have ever written :)
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