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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sexiest show promo video ever?

So my love for funk/dance/magic group, Casxio, is well-documented.  I discovered them during SXSW 2010 after parking my car so far into east Austin you could pretty much consider it Elgin, Texas. While trekking down east 6th, I heard the melodious sounds of "I Just Wanna Have Sex With You" playing outside Shangri-La, sauntered in, and never looked back.

This Thursday Casxio is having a show for their native Angelinos - lucky bastards - and here is their promo video. It's a teensy bit NSFW.


I kind of want to make an Austin version with Leslie stripping. How awesome would that be.


Unknown said...

Think the idea of a video with Leslie is a great one. Would Casxio be the soundtrack or an Austin band like All My Friends?

Austin Eavesdropper said...
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Austin Eavesdropper said...

Heh, let's do it Greg. I'm thinking a down-n-dirty, garage rocky Austin band like White Denim. That's unless Willie Nelson doesn't claim it first.