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Monday, January 23, 2012

Lover, You Should've Come Over.

One thing I definitely do not post about enough on this blog is aerial silks, a.k.a. the love of my life.

It's hard to overstate how I feel about this hobby, a relatively new one.  I started one year ago, and it just changed my whole headspace.  Made me focus.  Hungry.  (Literally and figuratively.)  Made me listen to songs on the radio and think, "ooh!  That would be such a good silks song!" like I did yesterday morning with Jeff Buckley.  

Yesterday was a private class between me, two of my classmates, and our awe-inspiring teacher.

Isn't she just magical?

Here are some more shots of us.


We actually started choreographing a piece to "Lover, You Should've Come Over," and I cannot wait to perform it.  Reader, have you ever heard that song?  Every so often, that tune creeps back into my ear, Jeff Buckley whispering softly about a love he just cannot have.  It gets so passionate and sad, a gorgeous howl of a song.

How the world misses you, Jeff Buckley.  Especially this girl.

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