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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Friday / Saturday preparations


Ok do y'all remember the movie "That Thing You Do?" Liv Tyler? Cute awkwardly tall drummer guy? (Always forget that actor's name). Anyway, that is TOTALLY Dans La Lune. 100%. Feel-good, throw-back, rock pop. Swish, goes the ponytail! Kicked-off, go the shoes!

If you've been following this blog for a little while, you probably know about my buddy/loyal post commenter Tiffanie Lanmon, drummer in Follow That Bird! So that is one more reason to see this show. Go listen to the newly-mastered "Stable Sound" - me likey.

(Speaking of - Here's another musical treat. I think some Austin bloggers are already on top of it, but I just got the rad new mix from Stefan is Stefan, who's playing at Black & Tan next Tuesday at Sounds! Fun! Thanks for sending that on, friend.)


This weekend, my brother-in-law Eric McGehearty is coming in town, and he has an art show!

"Texas Chair Project"
Austin Museum of Art

Eric is one of 78 artists exhibited as part of this project, where several artists made chairs out of both industrial and found objects.

(<---They are little tiny chairs. This one has a tack!)

You can meet the artists in the FLESH on Saturday, from 1-2:30pm. O, sweet hour! Some of the more offbeat chairs are made out of plastic army men, sawdust, U.S. currency - even a beer can. Perhaps after someone sat on it?

Also, my awesome brother-in-law's piece is currently featured at

Finally, GHOSTLAND OBSERVATORY is playing this weekend. Friday and Saturday. OMG.

Some people I know aren't going now that Ghostland is all huge and stuff. Well, ok. I get that. BUT as someone who has seen them play in a teensy-tiny club as well as ACL, I can tell you the one advantage of a huge venue with lots of people:

Mark my words, there shall be lasers at Stubbs for Ghostland Observatory. They make Thomas Turner's metallic cape all the more pretty.

(And if you clicked on that link - how funny is that picture?? I love Aaron Behren's crazy eyebrows!!)


Anonymous said...

Actor's name- Ethan Embry. :-)

Angie said...

That's great for your brother in law, actually I think I'm going to check out this Texas Chair Project now!

Austin Eavesdropper said...

Awesome, Angie! Did you go? There was one chair there made of *sawdust,* like, a picture on the ground. (?) I totally didn't describe that well. But anyway, it was my favorite one!

Leah - YES! Thank you! God I am so bad at names! Just this morning I saw this girl at the coffee shop who I am mildly obsessed with, and I ALWAYS forget her name....probably because I've assigned her an imaginary name, in my mind.

I'm just going to stop this comment before it starts getting creepy!!

Anonymous said...

The show was awesome

Austin Eavesdropper said...

Hey Angie! The art show, or Ghostland? I bet both were incredible!! We probably walked by each other at AMOA on Friday!

Megalithic Rick said...

ghost land totally rocked, awesome laser show! my sunday was also very chill day trying to recoup and rest after a wild sat nite. i think i went to bed at 7a XP