Recessionistas, have I got a treat for you. Two, actually.
(First though - how funny is the term "recessionista??" I've seen several women's magazines throw around the term to denote fashionably broke ladies, but let it be known that my friend Jon at I Love and Hate Everything coined the phrase. Yes he did. And you're welcome, Marie Claire).
Budget fashion staple #1: The t-shirt.This event sort of came to me randomly through the email pipeline today, and as I am not personally acquainted with the Hancock Brothers, I'll let the email do the talking.
t-shirt print party:
Print+addiction is a print-it-yourself t-shirt printing party featuring the art of The Amazing Hancock Bros. 8+ screens of art from the Hancock Bros ready to print on shirts. $10 lets you pull the squeegee on a shirt with as many designs as you like—one, three, eight, or whatever.
Friday, January 23, 2009
7–10 pm
Industry Print Studio
2503 B East 6th St
Austin, TX 78702
Sounds pretty NEAT. I don't know if the Hancock Brothers (I think their names are Charles and John) will feature these designs in particular, but I like these:
Budget fashion staple #2: The sale.
It's Le Garage Sale! And it's this weekend.
Saturday, Jan. 24 - Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009
Palmer Events Center
Sat: 11am - 6pm
Sun: 11am - 5pm
Admission: $10/person
2-day pass: $15/person
Would you believe I've never been to Le Garage Sale? So unfortunately I can't tell you whether it's awesome or not, but you better believe Austin Style Watch can. Browse vendors - which includes everyone by By George to Austin Art Garage - here. Before you go, know that Le Garage Sale:
-Commands long lines before it opens,
-Has no dressing rooms,
-Is cash only.
Now prepare for le shopping.
omg!!! le garage sale sounds amazing.
le sigh.
Hmmm, long lines, no dressing rooms, cash only...sounds like a nightmare for someone who is easily irritated by shopping. Someone like me. However, I must admit that it's a great idea. Good luck to all who attend!
Did you read the Vogue piece where they condescendingly went to Wal-Mart for bargain shopping? Cathy Horyn at the Times and I collectively rolled our eyes.
Speaking of bargains, heard of any cheap flights to Austin? Say, Around the beginning of April. Say, near your b'day? Say, FOR IT!
I am so disappointed that I didn't make it to Le Garage Sale. How did it turn out?
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