Soooo many Austin blogs and websites are posting SXSW parties with far more thoroughness and frequency than I am. If you're planning your SXSW show party schedule, I recommend checking out Austin Is Burning, The Famousish, Done Waiting, Austinist, Trash Can Age, and Do512 (der). This Is Life In Austin posted a really cool list of swag and food parties, if that's more your thing.
Me? I'll be posting on magazine parties, starting on Saturday. For now, here is just a teensy smattering of music parties. I'm including the ones I plan to attend:
wednesday, march 18.

saturday, march 21.

Do512 Compound, 2208 S. Lamar
2:30-3:00 DJ Thibault (also spinning between sets)
3:00-3:40 Alberta Cross (rock)
4-4:40 Asteroids Galaxy Tour (rock)
5-5:40 TBA
6-6:40 Afternoons (rock)
7-7:40 Dead Confederate (rock)
8-8:40 BM LINX (rock)
9-9:20 Common Market (hip hop)
9:20-9:45 Blue Scholars (hip hop)
10-10:30 Mike Relm (hip hop)
It's FREE with RSVP. Here are clips of all artists. Check out Mike Relm - he's like an edgier Girl Talk.
Thanks for plugging Do512! By the way, I didnt see the Do512/Sweet Leaf party ("The Big One") on your's going to be rad. Hope you can make it! Free LoneStars and Savvy Vodka/Sweet Leaf drinks. RSVP required:
Thanks for linking!
I am tryyying but there is just so much.
Trying to decide what to do during SXSW is soooo overwhelming! But, I love how not matter what you do or where you go you're hearing music blaring.
Thanks so much for this lovely write up, girlie. I love how people are so creative with the band posters. And no, I can't believe it's time for SXSW. Where is this year going?!
Hi !
thanks for this informative & creative with the posters.
Thanks for the mention as well! The Slip Productions / Lovitt Records party's lineup has changed since we added Frodus to the bill. Details here:
Even this slice of the party action is sooo good! How to fit it all in?!
Some more to add to your hectic schedules ;)
Thursday, March 19: SXSW Bloody Massive House Party @ 3100 King St Austin (8pm, free + free food and beer + indoor and outdoor stages).
Bearsuit, Motel Motel, Via Audio, Lake, Paleo, Florene, Drinkup Buttercup, Boo & Boo Too, Treasure Mammal, Reverse Xrays, Cale Parks
Friday, March 20: SXSW Back To The Future Party @ 1024 E. 44th St (5.45pm, free + free beer)
12:15 RTB2 1:00 Little Birds 1:45 LAKE 2:45 Ruby Isle 3:15 Geoffrey Reacher 4:00 Buddy System 4:30 Hot Lava 5:15 Fishboy 5:45 Bearsuit 6:30 Ryan Anderson
Friday March 20: If I Like It @ The Ant Art Farm, 4901 Blueberry Trail, Austin, Texas (1am + free beer)
Bearsuit, Wallpaper, Project Jenny/Project Jan, Shuttle, and Treasure Mammal.
Saturday, March 21: SXSW NYC Popfest @ Waterloo Cylces (3.25pm, free + free beer)
# 12 noon ->12.20 Purple Rhinestone Eagle
# 12.30 ->12.50 TacocaT
# 1.00->1.30 Forever
# 1.45-> 2.20 Boonesboro
# 2.35-> 3.10 Casper and the Cookies
# 3.25-> 4.00 Bearsuit
# 4.15-> 5.00One Happy Island
# 5.10-> 5.55 Hello Seahorse!
# 6.05-> 6.50 Besties
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