Do you know what is the most glorious thing?
Well, chocolate, naturally. But after that?
Having a 100%, completely free Saturday. No deadlines! No plans! No furniture moving tasks! (sorry UT students). Just an unfettered Saturday, available to use as you like, you're the boss of you.
I have a habit of procrastinating in general - can you relate? - and tend to pile up writing deadlines, errand-running, house cleaning (yawn), until the last possible second. Well this Saturday EVERYTHING IS (almost) DONE, so boo-ya, world. I'm playing. Are you?
There are actually three fun things happening today, all very different and all satisfying a distinct one of your five senses.This is one of the only local shopping events that, to my knowledge, requires admission. Heh. Which tells you right there that it's probably worth it, no?
Anyway, we've talked about Le Garage Sale before, but for a better and much more in-depth description, check out Colours Marie's story on Austin Post. My favorite tip? "Wear pretty underwear." Why? No dressing rooms. You heard me.
There is also a Rock N' Roll Yogurt Party happening today at The Yogurt Spot, featuring several lady bands. It's a benefit for Girls Rock Camp.I love that picture.
Anyway, I got to meet Melissa Bryan from Girls Rock Camp this Wednesday, and think she is just the cat's pajamas. Also, R. is a music teacher as many of you know, and one of his students goes to Girls Rock Camp. On top of that, one of my favorite people, Tiffanie Lanmon from Follow That Bird! is a drumming teacher for GRC, so any way you slice it, there's a ridiculous amount of karma pouring out. And yogurt, as it were.
Finally.....this is a surprise! I didn't know this, but Agent Ribbons is in town!!
Can I tell you guys something? I've never seen live music at Lambert's. Is it cool? I'm a little afraid of all the rich people. I know. Horrible. But I may suck it up just so I can hear Natalie Gordon wail.
That particular video was shot at Sophia's Thai Bar and Kitchen, one of my fave hangouts when I was in grad school. I didn't take this video, mind you - just found it on YouTube.
Anyway, I met Natalie during SXSW this year, and even her regular speaking voice was gorgeous. I wanted to have a one-sided conversation with her, but then thought that might get weird. If I just refused to talk.
thanks for the girls rock camp mention, tolly! you're the best :)
How many times I got sloppily drunk at Sophia's...we'll never know.
Great post and I completely agree; a Saturday that is free in clear is a wonderous thing indeed. We hit the lake with some wake surfing fun and enjoyed some Able's by the lake. We've a boat, a dog, and the new knowledge that ABTL will allow you to take your friendly pet onto the patio with you to eat.
What Zoe said! Thanks for the mention. And I think you're the cat's PJs too! Looking forward to November 6!
Haha, Jon - my thoughts exactly. And they attempt to make it so classy, too!
Zoe and Melissa - anytime!! I also look forward to our fun November event. :)
Amanda - wow, you had an awesome Saturday! Wake surfing? Dog? Abels? I want to join your family. ;)
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