I don't know if I've ever talked about it on Austin Eavesdropper, but R. works at this totally amazing school here in town where kids play in rock bands and do acting workshops and all kinds of neat stuff. It is, in fact, a school where I used to teach. Yoga. (Aka, PE).
Being part of this little school community has sort of attuned me to kids who do freakishly cool things more typical of their adult counterparts. A few years ago at work, I publicized a 17 year-old sci fi author. More recently, I came across Style Rookie, a famous junior high fashion blogger. And just now while I was perusing the website for Art Outside, happening this weekend, I discovered this 16 year-old photographer: Austin White.I know, rad right. What's even MORE interesting, though, is the back story behind Austin's family:
"Working for Dell, my Dad would have to go to Austin sometimes for work. We love being together as a family and always doing things as one...
My dad was off wondering to himself: If I had all the money in the world, what would I do? He answered to himself: Put family in an RV and travel."
So they sold everything. Bought an RV. Educated their kids on the road. They gained an internet following through their website, BareNakedFamily.com. As you can see, one of the kids became a badass photographer. Seven years later, they are still traveling, and have even been featured on ABC Nightline. Austin and his work (perhaps the whole family??) will be at Art Outside this weekend.
Isn't that inspiring!
Speaking of Art Outside. Have you guys ever been before? Like in years past, when it was at Enchanted Forest? Well this year, AO is being held at Apache Pass, Oct. 9-11. It is going to be kind of.....ginormous.
The deets are as follows: 100 visual artists. 62 bands - including Santogold's producer/collaborator, Freq Nasty. Austin Underground Film Society. The Wonder Craft. Acrobatic training (!). Fashion - including my fave gal Rene Geneva. A zillion other things.
Oh, and you can camp too.
I kind of hope I get to meet Austin.
tickets here.
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