Oh, Austin. Your inhabitants are too adorable for words.
Cory Ryan's pictures from last week's Austin Bleet-Up at Mohawk are now up on Flickr. Go have a looksie, yes? If you crave a hard copy - and I think you will - just order here.
Anyone who reads this blog is probably sick of hearing me talk about the Bleet-Up, so Austin Eavesdropper promises to shut up for the next few months. But not without saying:
Cory Ryan's pictures from last week's Austin Bleet-Up at Mohawk are now up on Flickr. Go have a looksie, yes? If you crave a hard copy - and I think you will - just order here.
Anyone who reads this blog is probably sick of hearing me talk about the Bleet-Up, so Austin Eavesdropper promises to shut up for the next few months. But not without saying:
Austin's community of bloggers + Twitterers + social media types = Massive joy to my heart
Thank you all SO much for coming to the Bleet-Up. When Richard and I started putting it together, we had a veeery loose game plan, but it was our incredible local businesses, bands, and of course bloggers/blog-readers who made this thing a reality. We've got more ideas for the Bleet-Up, both big and small, and welcome your feedback 100%. For now....let's eat up some pretty pictures.

PS: Austin360 / A-List got in on the picture action, too. Go see if you spot yourself!
Great night Tolly! Love the pic post. Cory's photo booth was awesome.
Looks like it was a lot of fun. I couldn't get in. I missed the part about it being 21+ lol
I had so much fun last Thursday night Tolly! Thanks for putting together such a great event!
-April Riggs
Sweet Leaf Tea
Tons of fun...thanks for putting it together!
Whee! So glad everyone enjoyed it!! April, AGMG, James...too much fun. :)
PHOTON GOD - Eep, someone else couldn't get in because they were under 21, even though it was technically an all-ages party. We will be regulate that more carefully next time. I'm touched to no end that you came out, probably waited in line, and are still cheerful and sweet. Thank you, Photon.
I am still finding glitter in the most random of places. Little sparkly reminders of a great night full of great people :) You sure have your work cut out for you with the next Bleet-Up. Bouncy Castles with a sweetos tito's moat and lots of fog?
Oh Aaron, you are dead on about the glitter. It is in my car, still in my bed (washed all the sheets), still on my dogs...it is every where, but a great reminder.
Definitely attracted attention on 6th Street. Someone asked if I was supposed to be Edward Cullen....
What fun!
Massive prettiness, indeed! I think the girl in the hot pink, orange, and lime green dress and the guy in the white shirt with her need to have their engagement portraits and wedding shot by Cory - their chemistry is lightning in their pictures!!
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