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Friday, November 6, 2009

No sleep for the weary! Combo Plate and...Fun Fun Fun, What What What

First of all.

Thanks SO MUCH for everyone who came out to our little Bleet-Up last night at Mohawk! Many of you braved a line, many of you danced with me while the bands played, many of you introduced yourselves and were just so cute, genuine and wonderful. Both bloggers and non. I freaking love this city.

A full-on Cory Ryan pic-littered post will be ours shortly on Austin Eavesdropper, but until then, I wanted to remind you of two things you probably need no reminding about.

The Combo-Plate, hosted by Cherrypeel, is tonight at the Scoot-Inn. You want a dance party? They got your dance party.

And then, tomorrow, this:

I will be there tomorrow, capturing "Booze Interviews" for Austinist on our handy flip-cam. Should be pretty entertaining. Especially if you're one of the drunk people I interview.


That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Have a great time at Fun Fun Fun Fest! Those interviews will be interesting...anywho, the people checking IDs told me I couldn't go in :( but, yeah, definitely looking forward to the next event!

Austin Eavesdropper said...

Awww woman. Next time, text me, k? When we eventually meet in person out and about, we shall trade numbers so I can have your back. Thank you SO MUCH for making a valiant effort to come, I wish I could go back in time and escort you in myself!!

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Thank you, I appreciate it! Hope you're having a blast at FFFF.