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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Items I have rocked, and now I'm going to swap.

So the Rock & Swap is on Saturday, and though I recently did a closet apocalypse job on my own clothing stash, I managed to find a few more items that - having been rocked - are now ready to swap. 

Printed silk scarf, circa 2005. I bought this in a boutique on the Champs-Élysées in Paris with my dad.  It is so lovely and dear to me, and I have worn it for five years.  But now, I think it's ready for a new home, on some other damsel's neck.

Canary yellow heels, circa 2006. I bought these during one of those, "a gal's gotta SPARKLE!" phases you sometimes go through....prompted by multiple viewings of Sex & The City.  I actually still love these chirpy little pumps, and believe I got them at Strut on S. Congress.  But alas, they are too big.  I know, because I tripped and fell in them during a boat party once.  But, I was also drunk.  So there you go.

Rockabilly bead necklace, circa ? But I bought them in 2005 from Buffalo Exchange, just after moving back to Austin.  Aren't they '50s and feminine?  If I weren't so attached to extraneously long necklaces, I would still try to rock these.  Nice for someone with a tidy style.

Ok: This photo isn't the greatest.  You're just going to have to trust me here when I say this sweater is BROWN. Preppy, circa 2003, from Express.  Oh how I've tried (and failed) to do the preppy chic thing.  I cannot, but I know some of you can.  I've worn this professor sweater with dresses, girly skirts, grandma brooches and slouchy hats.  A Blair Waldorf I am not, but future owner, I know you will make this sweater proud.

Gap denim jacket, CIRCA 1996. Yes!  It is fourteen years old!!  I bought it my freshman year in high school, and two Halloweens ago, it was part of my Hannah Montana ensemble.  It has since been shredded a little at the opening, where buttons used to go, and...I'm not sure what prompted me to do this.  One year in college, I went through this "no t-shirt collars" thing, and cut off the collars on every single tee I owned. This jacket probably got caught up in the madness.  Though, paradoxically, I left the collar.

Summery rouge blouse tee, Strut, circa 2007. Have you ever bought something that looked good on you, but wasn't quite your style? That's what happened with this shirt, worn exactly once. I just can't make it work with the rest of my clothes, wooden bead detail on the collar and all.  But it clings in all the right places, so ladies, steal her before she's gone.

Mini-cardigans, circa 2008.  I got into this trend, big time.  All told, I think I own roughly 4-5 mini-cardigans. And style experts were right: they were too trendy. But flattering! And they'll come back again, I am sure. These two are high-fiving each other because they are excited about their future owner.

Tan polka dot skirt, circa 2006. You all might remember this one from a certain Target GO fashion line? I know. Exclusive.

Black and white sundress, circa 2005. Purchased at some Express store, in California, hours before an outdoor faculty luncheon thing for new grad school students.  I wore it with a clutch and heels. The heels sank into the grass. I met a man who would eventually drop out of grad school with me two years later. This man is now in Tennessee, and he is one of the most wonderful teachers I have ever known. If you're out there, Man from Tennessee, I hope you're still teaching somewhere.

(RSVP to the Rock & Swap here).


"Julie" said...

rock and swap? where? i'm going to be in atx this weekend.......

Austin Eavesdropper said...

Julie! You should come. THIS is the Rock & Swap:

Unknown said...

Can you just go ahead and set the scarf aside for me? Kthx!

Beth H said...

your giveaway clothes are cooler than most of my keeper clothes! : ) btw, i totally went through that cutting-collars-off-my-tees phase, too! and i still kinda like that look...

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

These all look great! Bummer that I have to work that night.

Optimista said...

This is making ms SO SAD that I can't rock the rock 'n' swap. Not that I could fit into any of your clothes. But I might be able to fit into your castoff shoes or your necklace.

Le sigh.

watsonrodrig said...

You are having really cool stilettos and
the accessories were also cool hope i
would be able to see more of this.
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