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Friday, January 22, 2010

A little eye candy, a little ear candy: It is Friday.

So let's celebrate!

I'm getting 2 rolls of Holga film developed this weekend, so to whet my appetite, I pulled gems from my favorite Flickr photographers.  Most of these are Holga pics, but some are not.


hey azi

jean marc crocfort

This next photographer is very, very special. Her name is Pamela Klaffke, and I kind of stalk her site. A bit. Here is why.

Isn't that magical? I wish I could make my camera do those things.

Also, for your ears: Here's a delicious treat from the ol' YouTube. I pulled it specifically because Classixx is playing tonight for Learning Secrets' birthday show at Beauty Bar. If you like Phoenix, you might dig this too.  And, I can pretty much guarantee you'll get a kick out of the video.

Happy Friday, everybody!


Hipstercrite said...

love this post! such eye candy. thank you for posting.

Dad said...

Hey cupcake!