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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ATTENTION DESIGN NERDS: Tonight, Apartment Therapy Meet-Up.

It's true, I'm a little obsessed with interior design.

Not that I am an expert at it. I simply make an effort, wherever I have lived, and always on a tiny budget. Which makes you get pretty inventive, and at times, reckless.  I have so many paint-stained articles of clothing that I still insist on wearing, including an ugly, brown, workout top that has bright orange stains on it. Stains on the BOOBS.

Ross shakes his head in shame whenever I walk out of the house with it on.

Also, I have a mental list of design sites that I frequent. Like Design Crisis (run by two Austin girls!), Desire to Inspire, and - of course - Apartment Therapy. They are my version of internet porn.

Tonight, Apartment Therapy is hosting a meet-up at House + Earth on W. 6th St. for design nerds like us, organized by my friend, Apartment Therapy writer, and lovely fellow blogger, Adrienne Breaux.

apartment therapy august meet-up
6:30pm - 8:00pm
1214 W. 6th, Ste. 120
special space tour
free wine
raffle of house + earth eco-friendly cleaning products

Attendees are encouraged to bring an old design book (I've got plenty) to trade with someone else, and, House + Earth (a new local business, selling eco-friendly home decor products) will be taking us through a tour of their space. According to Adrienne, they've got a floor made of old wine barrels! 

See the Facebook event page here.

I'm so excited! Especially because I think these meet-ups are monthly. I will definitely be there, old design book in-hand.

*Images graciously provided by Design Crisis and Apartment Therapy.


Unknown said...

I'm so bummed I just saw's 8:40pm, over;-(
I follow Adrienne's blog as well.
Thank goodness there's a next time!

Austin Eavesdropper said...

Hey Katie, it's alright girl: Turns out they're MONTHLY!! Last night was super fun. I'm definitely going to hit up the next one so I'll see ya there.

Trevor said...

When I get a new job, I will be getting a new place. Perhaps I will come to you for advice on making it look awesome. I'm 31 years old, and it will only be my second apartment. (I've been doing... other stuff...)