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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Austin invades Vienna!

You guys! Check out what our beautiful Austinites just did in Vienna!

Jewelry artist/designer Jennifer Ayers, hair prodigy Ana Castro (remember her buzzy Austin Fashion Week show?), music lush Shane O. Madden (better known as Govinda), and my beautiful bestie Rene Geneva put on the eco-friendly fashion show, Grüne Mode - American Style, at Vienna Völkerkundemuseum this month.

As you can see in this interview, Rene was invited by the United States Embassy of Vienna to go on a green fashion speaking tour to university students over there, and to launch her Spring 2011 line. Some of these pieces were previewed at the Austin Fashion Week Awards this year, and if you went to Ana Castro's "A Hair Affair" show during fashion week, I know you recognize the ship on top of that one model's head.  (Which begs the question: How did that ship not get absolutely destroyed in-flight?  I am amazed by how well it held up!)

Rene, I am now kicking myself for not going along!  I am so incredibly proud of you!  I remember when you told me about this show last year, and how excited you were.  I just want to squeeze you and tell you what an amazing job you did.

Thanks to that whole creative crew for taking Austin abroad, and showing another corner of the world just how badass and talented our locals are!

1 comment:

Beth H said...

that was gorgeous! great work, Rene & crew!