Hi, internet. Guess what? I have a show to tell you about. It's tomorrow. It's at Lucky Lounge. And, I have a sample song!I'm pretty sure there's not a cover. Just in case though, bring a little bit of folding money.
Now, everyone went all batty for "You're the One That I Want" here recently - which was recorded at our house, incidentally - but I have a new favorite: "B12," like the vitamin. It's just a demo, but as soon as it's ready for public consumption then the same rules apply as "You're the One That I Want." I'll happily send you a copy for free if you email me.
Anyway, have a listen and tell me what you think:
Aw yeah! I'll be there, I promise.
I was wondering the other day if Lucky Lounge was still around. I haven't made it over to that part of 5th street in ages.
Great song!
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